Frequently Asked Questions

Frequent headshot questions?

Here are the answers to a few questions I commonly get asked. Please feel free to contact me if you have any other questions.

Do you have a studio?
Yes, I'm based in Constantia, just off the highway. It's convenient and there is ample parking. Come and see.
Can you shoot at my office?
Absolutely, I charge an additional fee of 150.00 to come through to you. We can have your shots done between meetings.
How long before we get our pictures?
Generally 48 hours or less. If it's a rush, I might be able to fit it in for the same day.
Do you travel?
Sure, this depends on the package - Additional costs may apply.
Do you do group photos?
Definitely, for these I reccommend coming through to your premises and setting up there.
How big a group can you shoot?
As many as you can imagine. I've shot group photos of up to 400 people. There is a case of logistics so it's better to prepare for shots like this.
What should I wear?
Your clothing should suite your environment. Try not to, wear detailed patterns or stripes. They rarely look great in pictures. Also, avoid bright colours or any branding that isn't specific to your business or industry.